first and foremost:

if you are an author, or if you have ever written anything i beg of you to leave me advice in the comments. anything is welcome.

Thursday, 10 June 2010

to have a family

today, i saw motherly and sisterly love. honestly, i was jealous. i mean, it was so sweet and i know that i will never have that. oh, and i sort of mended the fight with my mum, by lying yet again. and of course, thats what the fight was about. a vicious cycle, i guess. but she wants to help me get ready for the dance, and im trying to indulge her.
but, new story idea! im not going to write it. im still working on Myth, and i will until at least the end of the summer, but this is something to hang onto. a kind of hunger games idea, but different. two groups of people, the killers and the dead. each killer has one perfect match, kind of like a soul mate, and these govt officials are forcing them into these two groups where they are trained to brutally kill the dead. (the people called 'the dead' are alive, but they will be all killed at age 15. their ages vary within the group) but before the killers take their tasks, they spend two months with the person they are to kill. these two people, one a dead and one a killer, are set together for their two month period. they discover that the govt is having these people all killed because there are two ancient groups who have these abilities, two are born every year. the govt figured that they could be dangerous, so they pretended it would be for entertainments sake to have them killed, when actually it was to keep them for gaining power and overthrowing the govt. then cool stuff happens, but i dont think i gave a very good description. so im sticking with Myth.
well, talking about my idea has cheered me up considerably, so ill go check my email.

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

six flags, land of enchantment.

well, today we went to six flags. i really dont have anything to talk about, since this is more of a

oh, wait, i just remembered that i had a row with my mum this morning. and yes, i did say row not fight. and mum not mom. i freaked out and left the house while she cried because she thinks i hate her. and really, i do. i just cant stand being around her most of the time. its trying on my patience, sanity, and health. she really cant shut up, and it drives me up the wall. i need to start writing, but i just feel so much better typing. this is aggravating.
in less interesting news, ive had three more strange scent experiences. there is something new wrong with my brain, methinks. i got a whiff of ibanas house, ericas place and something else i cant recall.
and there will be a lull in blogging. im just in one of those phases. ill start up probably in august. not sure.

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

its late. for a very important date?

i updated my profile picture, again. now it fits both my blogs. cherries and passion fruit flowers together, whats not to love? i also got very sentimental and wrote a sort of inside joke on two bands. one ill send to e while im at camp, and the other for me for always. they say friends are like potatoes; they die if you eat them. you've got a potato in me. so, the potatoes are from foos and the potato in me is our divine love of toy story. i should really stop changing my blog so much. ill reserve that for cherry, maybe.

im moving on. finaly.

well, todays the day. i am hereby moving all aspects of leo and card to another blog, so that they can be isolated. but, to blogging.

i havent done any writing, school sucks, and i spend to much time in isolation. or gripping about what is wrong with me.
nuff said for today.

Monday, 7 June 2010


well, this is the longest blog break i've had in a while, which is pretty pathetic. but, to blogging. i watched shrek 4 on sunday, and i can say completely honestly that it was horrible. the characters that were important in this movie and extras in the others were drawn in completely different ways, which is driving me nuts. i mean, rumpy-stiltskin was my favorite character in the 3rd movie, and the pied piper was cute in the first, but in the 4th they were annoyingly different. and the plot didnt fit in with any of the other movies. they didnt include anyone from the 3rd, more or less, and they were cocky about selling their movie. i mean, even if it stood alone i didnt like it that much. the 'finding your true love' thing was very messed up. the first was is and as alway will be the best. and that goes for all movies, and a few books.
i havent done much writing, actually i havent done any. and every one i know is a dense, irritating, miniature beast of burden. which, of course, makes it all that much worse. and then camp. ah, camp. cant wait, even though the forced sonnet i wrote (for school; hence the 'forced') suggests otherwise. i think ill post it, even though it is vaguely terrible. i dont like sonnets.

My sole retreat, my home away from home.

I just wish Ramah was a bit cleaner.

The pool hates my hair, too much for a comb.

Though it’s better than here watching Dreamer,

Toilets clog almost every day here.

No one is quite sure what is in the meals.

Poo is left like a gift by all the deer.

Really wish I could get a better deal.

Maybe a camp without the horrid smell?

Maybe if the mold wasn’t here to stay?

Though they gave me the flu, the nurses mean well.

It’s where my friends are, but is there a way

For me to stay at Ramah with my friends

And eradicate the stench that never ends?

im sure you love it. im not saying i do, cause i dont, but ah well. i think i have to read it aloud in class tomorrow. fun.