first and foremost:

if you are an author, or if you have ever written anything i beg of you to leave me advice in the comments. anything is welcome.

Saturday, 15 May 2010

i am highly amused.

well, earlier i posted a comment on sleepys blog, on an entry about religion. i posted it under the name nora. well, im glad i did. if i had posted it with my name, she might have left a responding comment saying she dosent really care. however, she wrote an entire entry about how she hates nora. it was awesome. i think ill tell her it was me, and that i just did that to bother her, to see what her reaction was. i think ill get a good laugh out of it. and also, she has never bothered me about my lack of puncuation and capitalization whilst typing. but she ranted about it a lot, probably two paragraphs, and pointed out the exact location of the shift and apostrophe keys, and explained them to me. if she had paid any attention to my comment, she would have realized who it was who posted it. it was awesome. maybe she will devote another post to me...? dare i get my hopes up...?
anyways, i saw iron man 2. it was pretty good, but there were to many sides. and the secret organization thing was stupid. but alas, im going to go do something else now. probably read. i dont know. maybe contemplate telling sleepy. no, i wont. because i will wait until she is good and pissed off at 'nora'. then i will tell her i just wanted her to make a fool out of herself. she might hate me for about a minute after that. ttfn, bloggies!


today, during shul, rabbi arnowitz mentioned something about 'is darkness really darkness or is it only an absence of light?' i really liked that. made me think a lot about various things. oh, and more about rabbi arnowitz... hes leaving our shul, but this has been known for a while. the funny thing is, he gets to pick his successor along with the hazzan and rabbi krupnic, and the man they picked is the same age rabbi arnowitz was when he came, he has a wife named tami (also the name of rabbi arnowitzes wife), a daughter the same age as rabbi arnowitzes younger son, and his name is rabbi arnow. its weird. oh, and tami is due (tami arnowitz, not arnow. and shes pregnant) on my birthday! rabbi arnowitz is very excited, because my birthday is 6/13, the number of commandments. a very jewish birthday.
so now that i have updated you on the life of my rabbi, i will talk about what im doing, which will be just as interesting. probably the reason no one reads my blog anyways. well, its saturday, so im probably going to be updating my blog again tonight. maybe ill even do a bit of writing...? i hope so. i can never tell when im in a writing mood. i cant write here, of course, because that would be odd. not odd, really, but i just cant write here. i love this place too much. (does that make sense?) so, now that im blogging, i need to read sleepys blog, and cashores, and possibly laini taylors. i dont know. and of course ashers. goodbye, bloggie. ttfn.

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

schizophrenic. you can spell it too.

gah, im freaking out. sleepy is a great writer, i wont even get to her standards, and my mom the english teacher freaking reveres her! im having slight writers block (as always.) and i cant read anything right now because when i try i get bogged down in the 'fuckiwillneverreachmygoalsbecauseevryoneisbetterthanmeateverythingomgsleepywillget published andiwontomgsavemejkrowlingineedyourcharacterdevelopmentandproseabilitesbecauseiwill neverbeknow knowbyanyoneandimfreakingschizophrenicandimjustsomestupidlittlegirlwhowillneverdoanything andiwillbeforgottenassoonasiamdeadhelpmehelpmeineedhelpfastbecauseiwanttooutwritesleepyi hopesheendsuponafreakingsummerreadinglist. ohnowidontthatwashorribleofmetosayalliwantistomakesomelittlereadergirlhappybut

i go through this quite often. everytime i read a well written book, i practically hyperventilate. this is going to kill me. anne frank once said something along the lines of 'i want to make peoples lives better, i want to amuse people with my writing.' hang on, ill look up the quote.

i didnt find it. but, it was something like that. she wanted to be a famous journalist. what a coincidence that she became famous for her journal.

"I, like God, do not play with dice and do not believe in coincidence." spoken by v himself. i was trying to find a different quote, something along the lines of 'there are no coincedences, deliah. only the illusion of coincidence." i need to watch that movie again.