first and foremost:

if you are an author, or if you have ever written anything i beg of you to leave me advice in the comments. anything is welcome.

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

hello. i'm good, how are you? thats good.

its nice here. with my nice laptop, and my nice room. teachers tell us not to use the word nice, but it's such a lovley word. it sort of fits the way my day has been. nice. i was hungry/upset/tired but i just cant bring myself to be pissed off. not that i'm being lazy, but its just not happening. nice. lovley dosent really fit, even though it might be my favorite english word. i have been depressed all week, and for a while. i'll have to come back to read this post every once in a while. that might make me feel better, depending on my mood. we are learning about suicide prevention in health class, boring boring boring. made me think of my aunt. (not that she killed herself, or anything.) i just read 'the graveyard book' by neil gaiman. he also wrote coraline, which i read, and he co-authored interworld, which i am reading now. he is sort of creepy, especially in the picture on the back flap of 'the graveyardbook'. the book starts out with a murder, and goes downhill from there. (not in quality, i assure you). it was interesting.