first and foremost:

if you are an author, or if you have ever written anything i beg of you to leave me advice in the comments. anything is welcome.

Saturday, 13 February 2010

oh, its somthing i wrote!

hello, i typed this up on Microsoft, and i think ill post it here. read it with emotion, and enjoy. bon appetite!

Hate. Pure and incurable hate pumping through my fragile veins. I encourage the red evil pumping into my body, pushing through my toes. It is a sickly feeling, heavy liquid filling my feet, and traveling up my legs. It hardens me, and my heart races. I look into my fluttering chest. There is a heart there, pulsing and pummeling me, trying to escape. The substance will hurt it! I look around frantically, but there is no way to stop the evil! It will over power my dear heart! I must save it! I grab a knife and hack at my toes, already an awful pinkish hue. As I cut, the skin does not break but grows darker! I can sense the liquid moving faster, eager to encase my silken heart in its overwhelming cruelty. In its desperate, dying state, my poor, doomed heart fights valiantly to hold off the vile red. My toes are of the darkest of blacks, but they continue to deepen in color and horrible coldness. My chest is beginning to pinken, and my desperate heart fights all the fiercer. Oh, what have I done? I have forsaken my sweet and gentle heart without a moment’s thought, and I have given up my body and mind to this lowest of low. Not even the devil causing this to continue can stop it now, because now my hate is for him! Lucifer and his bubbling liquids coursing through me! My dying heart is being tinged with red, and the pink has spread up past my neck and down past my wrists. It has taken my face, and now that it is utter ably unstoppable its purpose is unmasked. Oh, how it burns me! This vile rash seeping up my nose and shoving its self through my lips, tumbling down my throat and it BURNS! It is going to kill me, and my heart has started to crust. My nerves are on fire, and I am moving! No longer shrieking and writhing like before, but standing up! I try to close my eyes, move my fingers, but I am out of my control! My desperate heart has nothing left to fight with, and I am trapped! Trapped in my own head for eternity. Driven, literally, out of my mind and into an abyss of searing red hate!
My body smiles, because its new inhabitant is happy. It has fulfilled its purpose, and I am nothing, to anyone, but myself.

did you like it? i did, thats why i put it here. it started off very different, but the first line or two was the same. i started it when my internet crashed, and i was (yet again) extremely mad at comcast. i hate them. verizon works, but not comcast. my phone is verizon, but at my moms house there is no verizon acess. i think im going to email them saying that comcast is ticking me off, and to please please please give me verizon. that'd be nice. a few weeks ago, one of my friends had one of her favorite authors comment on her blog. that would be so cool, and i know of two amazing authors that have blogs here. i hope they comment! (this means you, kristin cashore and jay asher) what would be abseloutely SPECTACULAR is if (and im not in any way deluding myself into thinking this is in any way possible) J K Rowling contacted me in any way. i would die. no joke, i would die of pure happiness. you can tell im serious because i dont capitalize anything but my own name, and JKR. (and some of her characters. yes, this means that i hold Luna Lovegood in higher esteem than two abseloutely lovely writers. i was about to start talking about how marvelous the word lovely is, but then i realized i did that on my last blog entrie. you should read it, then you might appreciate the word lovely more. maybe. so, thanks for reading!


Anonymous said...

woah, really intense feeling of your body being taken over, of internal change for the worse. Great vocab, altho it's a little distracting. This reads like something out of Poe, in a really excellent way. Can't wait to see you improve!