first and foremost:

if you are an author, or if you have ever written anything i beg of you to leave me advice in the comments. anything is welcome.

Sunday, 14 February 2010


ahhh! ok, so i know that i just posted literaly 30 seconds ago, but after i published it i went to read jay asher's blog, author of 13 reasons why, and HE HAD RESPONDED TO MY COMMENT! yay! this is so cool, heres what he said after i commented on his blog saying:

first of all, i live in nj, so your welcome! second, I just read your book. it was wonderful, thank you for writing it. im also hoping to write a book one day, any tips you could give me? and thirdly and lastly, the picture of you on your blog is nice, but the one on your book jacket is spooky and dark. any reasons why?

he replied:

MESY, I always encourage future authors to join a critique group. There's nothing like getting feedback from other honest writers to help you improve your craft tremendously.

Regarding the photo, I thought it would be weird to have people read a suspenseful book about suicide and other serious issues and then have my face grinning back at them. But if you check out my January 14th post, you'll see my new author photos which aren't quite so dark...but still no toothy smiles!
