first and foremost:

if you are an author, or if you have ever written anything i beg of you to leave me advice in the comments. anything is welcome.

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

dont have much to say...

since i have nothing to talk about, i might as well tell you that i broke out for the first time in about two years. it was bothering me for about a week until i started using something for it, which worked right away. but who cares? i wouldnt want to hear about acne if i were anyone, including me. however, no one reads my blog so i can do whatever i want, and no one notices. this is good, because now i can blabble about whatever i want for as long as i want. so, im using acne meds, trying to write somthing worth reading, even though if i write somthing that is better than my writing hero, JKR, no one notices because im in middle school and no one gives a flying fart in space about some little girls who apears to spend her entire life reading and who misses her dad even more knowing that he is mere miles away and i cant see him because i have zippo rights as a minor. and even though im on skype with my best friend in the world, i dont feel like ican confide anything to anyone because im in my moms house which skeeves me and makes me feel even more deppresed and im just some stupid little girl whining because im going through puberty. which reminds me of a shirt i saw at the board walk in OC, a rip-off of the life is good shirts. they all said life is crap, and there are lots of different pictures, most having to do with no more beer. will some one buy me the one with a picture of a bird pooping on some one because that is really how i feel all the freaking time and it freaking sucks.