first and foremost:

if you are an author, or if you have ever written anything i beg of you to leave me advice in the comments. anything is welcome.

Monday, 14 June 2010

60th post, and a long weekend.

its been a while since i last posted, so lets start with now. i won a contest to see toy story 3, 3 days early. very exciting. and since that is not the most riveting of news, and i dont want to talk about what happened on saturday, im going back to sunday.
sunday was my birthday! we went to the beach (me, nava, mum, foos, gran, and noel) and it was lots of fun. erica was invited as well, but her cousin had a graduation something that her mom wanted her to go to. but foos noel and i made lots of drip castles and went for a luxurious walk. we also took a nap on the beach, which resulted in a perfect tan for noel (typical), an awkward tan for foos on one section of her arm, and red ears for me. i mean, i could have told you that on saturday. maybe not the wavy red line on fooses bone white skin, but everything else. because that is just the kind of stuff that happens. noel is perfectly tan year round without a tanning both, and so is alex. (fyi, noel is my cousin and alex is her older sister.) but, overall, the beach was fun. then we had delicious ice cream and went home.
i dont have anything else to talk about.